Nationwide Destination Architect 2.0 Annuity

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This is a deferred variable annuity that is targeted at individuals whose goals are building investment portfolios that have the potential for growth and guarantee incomes over a lifetime. These individuals are also very wary of the high fees charged for such investment vehicles.

Nationwide Destination Architect 2.0 Facts

Mortality, maintenance and administrative charges

The annuitant will be charged a 0.20% mortality charge and a 0.20% administrative charge..

Issue age

The issue age is 0-85 years for annuitants. Owners may be of any age.

Minimum initial investment

  • Minimum qualified payment- $25,000
  • Minimum non-qualified payment- $25,000
  • Subsequent payments-$1,000 or $150 for automated clearing houses

Underlying investment options

These include fund exchanges, asset rebalancing and standard dollar cost averaging.

Rider availability

Several riders are available with this annuity.

  • Nationwide Lifetime Income Rider
  • Nationwide Lifetime Income Track Rider
  • One Year Enhanced death benefit Rider

Free withdrawals

Annuitants can withdraw up to 100% of their account values without incurring withdrawal charges or MVA. However, withdrawals are subject to income tax and distributions prior to age 59.5 might be subject to a 10% penalty in tax. 

Death benefit

For the Nationwide Destination Architect 2.0 Annuity he death benefit will be the return of contract value with no additional costs. However, the annuitant can purchase the spousal protection death benefit rider, return of premium death benefit rider or the enhanced surrender value for terminal illness rider.


The annuity provides waivers for withdrawals made in case an annuitant encounters a long term care or is diagnosed with a terminal condition from which they are not expected to recover. These are not available in all states.

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