The Power Index Plus is an index annuity product from AIG that’s designed to help your assets grow, while at the same time avoiding the risks of market run downs. Investors can choose to allocate their money across a wide range of tax-deferred fixed or index interest accounts.
Power Index Plus Annuity Facts
Index Crediting Strategies
You can choose from various index interest accounts based on the following:
- S&P 500 Index – there are two index interest accounts available partially based on the potential of S&P 500 (without dividends). These are the annual point-to-point and the annual point to point participation rate.
- ML Strategic Balanced Index – two more index interest accounts are available based on the ML Strategic Balanced Hybrid Index: annual, and the two-year point to point option.
Lifetime Income Plus Rider
With the guaranteed lifetime income rider, AIG’s Power Index Plus offers a 10-year ‘double your benefits base’ roll up just provided no withdrawals are made (all premiums that you make within the first 30 contract days are doubled as long as no withdrawal is taken before the 10th year of the contract).
Potential Benefits
- Growth of retirement assets – this annuity product helps grow your retirement assets (with potential interest gains) while at the same time protecting your portfolio from market downturns.
- Tax deferral – defer taxes on interest-earned till you start making withdrawals.
Talk to an Annuity Product Specialist
Buying an index annuity can be a complicated process for the average investor. Unless you’re very familiar with interest crediting strategies, rider benefits and other factors surrounding any index annuity, you are going to need a little bit of professional help. At no cost to you, Annuity Broker connect you to some of the leading annuity product specialists in the industry.